Monday, 13 May 2013

DAP Hilang Ingatan !!

Aku terbaca satu Artikel dekat satu blog, . Artikel nie berkenaan luahan hati seorang Gadis berbangsa Cina yang di kempen untuk mengundi DAP semasa pilihanraya umum yang lepas... Artikel nya macam di bawah nie

Before GE 13, this friend called me and encouraged me to go against MCA by supporting the DAP. The reason is simple enough "MCA CANNOT HELP THE CHINESE". 

And while waiting the results being published, this friend kept telling me, NO NEED TO SEE LAH. MCA BUNGKUS. MAKAN TELUR. BYE BYE MCA. and even told me I'VE TOLD U RIGHT? So I replied later u see ok? 

Yesterday, this friend called me. She sounded too desperated. She ask me. Yeen Fuan, u can help me with my fraud bank case? I just received a court letter! I told her, why u find me? She said ONLY MCA can help!!! So I gave a setback. U guys said the Chinese doesn't need the MCA services, why not u go back to them? Do u know what she replied me? DAP CANNOT HELP! I told her, go complain to the DAP and demand their services. She said IT'S USELESS cos she said they told her sternly, THEY CAN'T HELP. 

Lesson to learn here : Do support for someone who can be a shoulder for u to cry on instead of empty promises. 

A True Story by Thong Yeen Fuan 

Sorang nie dah mula sedar, tapi ada ker orang lain pun akan sedar jugak...??? Sedar atas kesilapan memilih wakil yang mampu membantu deme nie menyelesaikan masalah sekurang-kurangnya la kan... Kalau tak selesai pun at least ada jugak yang ambik berat untuk dengar rintihan dan berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka.... Bukan yang terus cakap takder atau tak boleh atau tak tahu.... nasik dah jadi bubur... so, terimalah dengan redha.... 


Moh Kita Kelaut 

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